The Homestead Journal

Digging Into My New Job
Reflection The Brown Homestead Reflection The Brown Homestead

Digging Into My New Job

Our new Community Engagement Coordinator Sara Nixon reflects on her first few weeks on the job, which coincided with an archaeological dig at the site.

“While it’s safe to say that this was likely a once-in-a-career onboarding process, taking part in the dig during my first two weeks here offered an entirely novel learning experience in getting to know The Brown Homestead and how I will approach my work here.”

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The Attic Adventure
Heritage Conservation, JBHF News The Brown Homestead Heritage Conservation, JBHF News The Brown Homestead

The Attic Adventure

Our Attic Floor Project began on Saturday, April 22nd at the ambitious time of 8:30 am. The Attic Floor Project encompassed many firsts for JBHF. It was our first completed interior conservation project, our first volunteer workshop, and our first “Family Meal.” Another great thing about ‘firsts’ is that they provide great opportunities for reflection.

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Attic Floor Restoration
Heritage Conservation The Brown Homestead Heritage Conservation The Brown Homestead

Attic Floor Restoration

With it’s heavy beams and church-like a-frame, the John Brown House attic at the Brown Homestead is no different. Behind a nearly hidden door on the second floor landing, and up a steep and narrow stair, this space, empty but for some old windows stacked against one wall, already has a singular and intriguing ethos.

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